Hairdressers and Hair Salons

Hairdressers and Hair Salons

The Hairdresser and Hair Salon template uses fullscreen design to maximum effect, ideal for the hair and beauty niche. The homepage opens with a fullscreen image with bold headline and complementing colors before opening into attractive content areas.

The colors have been well-chosen, with complementing colors throughout that create a luxury vibe without being too much. A selection of flexible content areas throughout, spaces for videos, a service list, testimonials and a booking form should be everything a hair salon needs.

Key features of the Hairdresser and Hair Salon template

  • Luxurious design with some very attractive elements
  • Fullscreen design that works perfectly on large and small screens
  • Space for product and service lists on homepage
  • Engaging images throughout
  • Full compatibility with leading page builders


Whats’ Included:

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