Website Templates and Designs
Launch a website for any niche using our lightweight and professionally designed multipurpose website templates. Perfect for any new website!
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Emily Smith – Traveler
The travel influencers template gives you all the features you need to create a great...

Joan Thomas – Traveller
The travel influencers template gives you all the features you need as a content cre...

Ursula Jones – Traveller
The Social Media Travel Influencer template has everything to attract attention...

Alexandrina Kennedy – Designer
The Designer template that has all the features you need in a landing page...

Fitness Trainer
Appealing website template with great colors ideal for gyms and fitness trainers...

Personal Fitness Trainer
Well-balanced web design with universal appeal ideal for fitness trainers and gyms...

Personal Trainer
Professionally designed website templates for the professional personal trainer in you...

Yoga Studio
An elegant-looking template that’s tailor-made for building a yoga studio website...

Consultants Firm
Modern website template for consultant firms and any type of consulting business...